You don’t make any sense
“Sessa – Pele da Esfera” is an intricate piece by Brazilian artist Sessa, known for his distinct fusion of tropicalia and indie folk. The song, whose title translates to “Skin of the Sphere,” resonates with Sessa’s trademark harmonious blending of intricate guitar work, rich vocal textures, and evocative lyrics that offer a shared understanding of human experience.
“Pele da Esfera” provides an intimate auditory experience that thrives in its simplicity. Sessa’s melodic guitar rhythm provides a comfortable bed for his poignant vocals. The lyrics evoke a sense of shared unity, reflected in the title’s reference to a common sphere that envelops all of humanity. This musical composition fosters a connection with listeners, inviting them to journey inward and perceive the world as a shared space, a single sphere in which all of humanity exists.